If you wish to contribute comments or photos on a recent BMX event, contact the webmaster and we will post it.

Southern Charm National 2005 in Dothan, Alabama - by Jeff Dein. Posted on 21 February 2005.

For 12 years now, Dothan has offered an awesome track, lots o’ free food and a really laid back atmosphere. This year was no different. If only D-town had a decent sized airport, the venue would be a shoe-in for a huge race.

  • 90ish motos Saturday, not sure about Sunday (I went for Friday and Saturday only). Weather was sunny and warm during the days but it got near freezing at night. Wind picked up the afternoon but it didn’t affect the racing.
  • 11 guys in Pro Open which meant three of us had to suck. I stepped up and took one for the team and was one of the lucky three. Staying up late, drinking beer and sleeping in your car* will do that. *Car being a Pontiac Aztek (yes, it’s ugly - so’s your mom but I ain’t saying anything) which will accommodate folks up to 6’6 - so it wasn’t THAT ghetto BMX of an arrangement.
  • Harper took the lackadaisical approach one step further and raced on flats and a 43-16 (Dothan is downhill and VERY fast).. Somehow he stayed on his pedals and made the main. Madden, the only other Vet in attendance, took sixth ahead of Tom.
  • Semi-hometown hero Barry Nobles pumped the crowd up with a big win over Jonathan Suarez. Even more amazing is that they both jumped the big triples into the last turn and had enough energy to put real lines together through the last straight and not just flop through it like the rest of us.
  • Girls’ Pro saw Krystal Hime holeshot but Amanda Geving pulled a good move in the hairpin first turn to stick the win. Hime had a helluva lot of pull, though.
  • Somebody was walking around the pits with a pig and several individuals lost bets and had to kiss it. Al-A-BAMA!
  • Locals Wellington Cannon, Stuart Harrison and Bill Young threw a huge BBQ after the race featuring authentic dead animals that Wellington had killed. My Yankee self had backstrap (where I grew up, that was what we called that T-shaped underwear that went between womens’ butts, but I digress) for the first time in my life, and damn was it good. It was a great time provided by some great folks and I only regret that since I had to hit the road, I couldn’t crack open a cold one for posterity. Thanks guys!
  • Met Dingo Owner Greg Russ and shared some stories. Greg took a shot to the back on the last straight and the kids on the team didn’t fare so well either, but the teenagers got their pics taken with the "we’re only here because we’re on the clock" Hooters Girls so the trip wasn’t a total waste. Greg’s wife Jackie was the only one to make the main, now that I think about it. At least our bikes looked cooler than everybody else’s.
  • Saw Bunt’s new ride AKA the Bunt Rover. He’s no doubt going to be catching the eyes of the lovely ladies of Pelham as he cruises through town - all five of them (eyes, not ladies - big Berthilda’s glass one doesn’t count).
  • 18X Jason Larev committed to spending the summer touring with the Stileman crew. To quote Rollins, "This ain’t Van Halen" and he’s gonna find that out real quick.
  • Pics courtesy of Bill Young can be found at www.wiregrassbmx.com
That about does it. Oldsmar’s in two weeks so it’s time to get serious. Squat deep, early and often.

Jeff. Elite Master

Footnote from a Novice: I have been racing 3 years now and when people find out I race BMX bicycles, they can't understand why a 40+ year old would want to risk ridicule (and injury.) Maybe the picture below will help explain why.
Bill Young, I hope you don't mind me using your picture, there lots more pictures at: www.wiregrassbmx.com