1. Roll Call.  See sign in sheet.


2.    Meeting called to order 3.30pm.


  1. Financial presented.  Remaining balance $8686.25.  Details posted on website.


  1. Claire has been talking with the Skate Board shop about advertising.  Easter Egg race on 22nd March will happen with prizes.



  1. We will be getting dirt in a couple of weeks and then we plan on some changes.  Otherwise track is in great shape.  Alex Fritz has garage door, looking for some-one to install for us.



  1. Please pick up your 10 raffle tickets to sell as a fundraiser for the track.



  1. We are in possession of the 2 SE bikes and the MCS bike we won from the NBL>



  1. March 22nd confirmed as Spring Fling for appreciation cookout.  Alan Farmer to organize grill for the big cookout.  Hamburgers and Chicken.



  1. Meeting adjourned 4.00pm.